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Letter of Support for Expo 2031 Minnesota, USA from United States Representative Betty McCollum

March 26, 2024

I write to you to express my strong support for Minnesota's bid to host an A1 World Horticultural Exposition as put forth by EXPO 2031 LLC. Its theme - "Human/Nature: Where People and Horticulture Meet" is perfectly suited to Minnesota's strong commitment to the advancement of horticultural practices and environmental sustainability.

If chosen to host World Horticulture Exhibition to Minnesota in 2031, this would mark the first time an A1 World Horticulture Exposition would occur in the United States of America.

Minnesota is home to many internationally renowned companies, universities, hospitals, and nonprofits and will masterfully showcase this multi-billion-dollar industry at a national and international level. The opportunity to celebrate the impact of United States horticulture domestically and around the world compares to none.

I support your recognition and approval of the EXPO 2031 LLC application as directed by 22 USC 2802 and 15 CFR 310.3. Upon your recognition, the A1 World Horticultural Exposition application may move through approval process with the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) and Bureau International des Expositions (BIE).

I thank you for your thorough consideration of the EXPO 2031 LLC team's Expo 2031 application for "Human/Nature: Where People and Horticulture Meet" and l hope this effort will gain your support.

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08 apr

We appreciate your support Congresswoman McCollum! #expo2031

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