Our Green Guide
Our Expo 2031 Green Guide Thematic Sections will bring our Human / Nature theme to life throughout our Expo 2031 Application Campaign timeline turning our attention to the intersection of Where Humanity and Horticulture Meet.

Our Expo 2031 Green Guide Thematic Sections will bring our Human / Nature theme to life throughout our Expo 2031 Application timeline turning our attention to the intersection of Where Humanity and Horticulture Meet.
Focused on Today Thinking about Tomorrow
There are already myriad organizations and people thinking about and activating ideas, innovations and more here in the USA and across the Planet.
While we are applying to Host Expo 2031 and convening a global conversation during the process, why not raise up the people, activities and their inspirational stories to set the stage for our Expo's future legacy?
Digital Editions
Beginning in 2025, we will produce Green Guide Editions that become a centerpiece of our Expo 2031 Global Communications Campaign.
Collaboratively created with Founding Supporters and Stakeholders of the Expo 2031 World Horticultural Expo Application effort by Minnesota, USA, our Green Guide will connect the dots and illuminate the synergies that exist today and those we need to explore on behalf of generations to come.
Customized Content Features available for Expo 2031 Founding Partners and Supporting Organizations.
Contact > contact(at)expo2031.org
Just Learning About the Global Goals?
Here is a collection of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that Expo 2031's Green Guide Programming is aligned with. Collectively we can create a better future Where Humanity and Horticulture Meet.