Our Global Connection

While we celebrate American horticulture and our roots in native plants and Indigenous people, it is important to celebrate our partnership with global entities, governmental and private. Shared knowledge leads to a collective understanding of the necessity of green infrastructure, collaborative research, and commercial exchange of goods.
In addition to setting the stage for international garden pavilions, our Global/ Connection theme allows us to applaud successes of international partnerships in horticulture, from new plant introductions to groundbreaking research and shared sustainability practices.
Horticulture Intersection
International plant pavilions. Display of best new plant introductions. Research lab examples
that focus on food crops, pest and disease management, water use, etc. An exhibition of the
most exciting sustainability advancements. Intersection of technology and horticulture allowing
attendees to fly drones to inventory crops (in a simulator), use robots to stick plant cuttings, and
experience reduction in water waste by playing with different irrigation applicators.

While there may be more SDG Program alignments, here are the primary Global Goals aligned with our Global Connections.