Public Greenspace
There are amazing examples of how public spaces have been elevated by horticulture. Think Central Park, High Line, and Millennium Park/Grant Park as grand examples. There are also fabulous integrations of green infrastructure that elevate communities, alleviate food deserts, provide beauty in small town America, increase tourism, and more.
This celebration of public horticulture showcases the best of overtaking concrete with green space, highlighting sustainability efforts, positive ecological and economic impact, and promoting public gardens.
Horticulture Intersection
Build a green bridge to protect animal life entering and leaving the park. Show the stark
contrast of a city street with no trees or green life versus one rich in green infrastructure. Install an Instagram-worthy art piece surrounded by plants. Develop community garden spaces
that can be actively used during the event.
While there may be more SDG Program alignments, here are the primary Global Goals aligned with our Public Green Space